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Menampilkan postingan dari Januari, 2021

Ready to Face Life? Yes or no?

  Life is hard, but we have to face it. And follow God’s screnario. Problems, all humans must have faced problems. Life is incomplete if you never encounter problems. There were many responses that were shown by everyone. There are those who take it easy, some are stressed and some are very ignorant, they don't care about the laziness who comes That's your choice, it all depends on each person who wants to tackle the problem which way. But one thing you have to remember, you can't avoid getting into trouble. Why? The more you avoid problems, the problems will never be resolved and you will be increasingly haunted by your problems and the more restless. No matter how heavy your problem is, you have to keep up with the problem, believe me, God won't give you a problem beyond our ability to solve it. The important thing is we have to be brave first, about what the next thing is, the important thing is we have the courage to do it. There will definitely be a way for us to g

Rejeki Seret Banget, Why?

Manusia diciptakan sudah dengan takdirnya masing-masing, manusia hanya cukup menjalaninya. Tapi ingat takdir memanglah ketentuan Tuhan, tapi sebagai manusia kita juga harus tetap berusaha yang terbaik. Tidak boleh pasrah dengan apa yang terjadi dengan dirinya di dunia. Perihal rejeki manusia terkadang kurang menyadari dan tidak bersyukur dengan apa yang didapatkannya. Untuk itu kita perlu memahami beberapa hal mengapa sulit untuk mendapatkan rejeki. Sebenarnya rejeki itu sudah diatur oleh Tuhan, hanya saja setiap manusia usahanya berbeda-beda untuk mendapatkan rejeki mereka. Ada yang berusaha keras dan berkorban banyak untuk menjemput rejekinya, ada juga yang malas-malasan tapi penginnya uang mengalir dengan mudahnya. Ini yang harus disadari oleh setiap manusia dan harus bersyukur dengan apa yang sudah didapatkannya. Tanpa bersyukur manusia tidak akan pernah merasa cukup dengan yang didapatkannya. Rejeki juga bisa dilihat dari jam bangun tidurnya. Ada yang bilang “Jangan tidur di p

Is it Wrong to Take Private Lessons?

  My Opinion about Education Education is very important in life. Not infrequently, almost all jobs must provide proof of the last education taken. For this reason, it is a very big responsibility for parents to be able to educate their children properly and well. Not only about formal education, but the most important and fundamental is education in the family. Because the family is the first place for children's education. It is undeniable that life requires money. Therefore, parents try hard to earn money so that they can meet all the needs of their family. Unfortunately, sometimes as parents we forget to pay attention to children emotionally. After work, I am tired and the children are asleep, so there is not much time with the children. With the busyness of the parents, sometimes the child's development process cannot be fully accompanied by the parents. One of them is the academic learning process. Of course children need to be guided to be able to thigh about certain